Etisalat 800144 Number (Who is Calling Me) | Details

Etisalat 800144 is official Telemarketing Number of Etisalat UAE. Don’t worry, this call is safe and you don’t face difficulty if you pick this call.

Every telecom network has its Telemarketing Number which are usually short codes. Etisalat usually calls from 800144 or only 144 shortcode.

Remember that 800144 is the Telemarketing short code number of Etisalat and the other 144 short code is use for the promotions of special offers and invoices.

Who is Calling Me From Etisalat 800144 Number?

People usually ask me about 800144 number. Only the Etisialat UAE prepaid and postpaid customers are receiving calls from 800144 or 144 code. Here the question arises, to whom do these numbers belong, and why these are calling us?

Do these numbers put us at risk of any privacy issues or anything else? All such questions arise in our minds when we receive calls from such shortcodes. We usually don’t pick up these calls and disconnect calls from such numbers. However, the reality of this shortcode was once revealed by Etisalat’s Official Twitter handle when a customer asked about these shortcodes.

Call from 800144 or 144 code is safe and it is a Telemarketing call for the promotion of new Etisalat Packs

Full Details:

Short Code:144
Short Code:800144
Call Purpose:Telemarketing
Code Status:100% Safe

These Are Telemarketing Codes

Both these codes that usually call us on our Etisalat SIM are computer-generated codes. That usually promotes new packages/offers of Etisalat SIM. Hence these are Telemarketing codes and safe to attend. There is no harm in picking up a call that you received from the 800144 or 144 code.

Other Such Codes Reality

Many other codes usually call us on Etisalat SIM. For the promotion of new SMS, Call, and internet packages these promotion codes are use. It has become a tradition to run advertisements or use the Telemarketing (call promotion) method to make your new products famous in public. Get details about Etisalat 1GB Per Day for 30 Days for 40 AED by clicking on the link.