Check The Number Of Sim Registered On CNIC with latest (SMS, Online checker & Helpline) tricks for free on Jazz, Zong, Ufone & Telenor Sim.
Stay connected with us because today we are going to share very informative tricks with you. There are a total of 4 telecom networks in Pakistan and each network allows 5 SIM cards to register against one CNIC. Hence, 4 networks allow 5 x 4 = 20 SIM cards.
Hence, it is proved from the above calculation that each Pakistani can register 20 SIM cards through an ID card. Here a question arises “Check the Number of SIM Registered On CNIC” for free. Apna4G has mentioned 3 tricks below that will 100% work and help you check the exact SIM cards active in your name.
Check The Number Of Sim Registered On CNIC
There are basically three tricks that you can use to find out “how many SIM cards are currently active on your ID card”. But before going to discuss each trick, let’s take a look at the names of 100% working methods:
- Online PTA Website Checker
- Check Through Sending SMS
- Dial Helpline To Conform
These are those 3 tricks that will help you find your SIM card numbers to register on (Zong, Telenor, Ufone, and Jazz) for free.
Online PTA Website Checker
Just follow these steps and check the number of all network SIM cards registered against your ID card. This is an official website of the government and there is no fee to check active SIM cards on a username.
- Type & open this site
- Now enter the ID card number with no space
- Verify you are not a robot & click “Submit”
- On the next page, all SIM card register history will appear.

Check Through Sending SMS
If you don’t have internet, then you can check your SIM register number through SMS with the following steps:
- Type a new SMS through “New Message”
- Now type your CNIC card number without any space.
- Don’t even use hyphens while typing CNIC numbers.
- Send this number to 668 and wait for a minute or two.
- You will receive a reply with the total registered SIMs on your ID card.
- This SMS trick is not free and each time you send an SMS will cost PKR 2.50

Dial Helpline To Conform
In the third method, you can confirm your exact number of SIM cards by dialing the helpline of each network (Jazz, Zong, Ufone & Telenor). We have mentioned the helpline numbers below.
Jazz | 111 |
Zong | 310 |
Ufone | 333 |
Telenor | 345 |
See More: SIM Check CNIC (Urdu)
Apna4G Final Words
We assure you that when you try the first trick, you will not need to try the second or third because each trick is 100% working and correct. Hence, let’s confirm your total SIM cards are free of these tricks.
How I check that which number is register in my I’d ( Telenor number) please guide me
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problem when i check