Zong Mahana Budget Offer – Sub, Unsub & Check Code

With the Zong Mahana Budget Offer you can avail monthly data, SMS & on-off network minutes at the lowest price. Details are given below.

If you are a Zong SIM user and you are searching for a perfect package then here we have updated the all-in-one Zong Mahana Budget Offer for you. Yes! As it is clear from the name of this all-in-one package this bundle provides all incentives for 30 days.

The monthly package is valid for one month and its incentives list has all on & off-network minutes, SMS & data MBs which are the basic needs of all subscribers. Hence stay up-to-date & connected with the whole world by subscribing to an all-in-one bundle for one month.

Zong Mahana Budget Offer

Here the monthly budget has been described with complete details for our dear visitors. This package provides all types of incentives including SMS, MBs, and On & Off network minutes. Hence after subscribing to this bundle, you can stay calm for one month.

Zong Shandaar Monthly Package

Press *1000# to get 1000 On-Net, 100 Off-Net, 1000 SMS, and 1GB 3G/4G + LTE internet for 30 days for Rs 305 with Zong Mahana Budget Offer.

Offer Name:Zong Mahana
Budget Offer
Data:1 GB
On-Net Minutes:1000
Off-Net Minutes:100
Validity:30 Days
Price:PKR 305+tax
SUB-Code:*6464# > 4 > 6
SMS-SUB:“sub Mahana”
to 7091
UN-SUB:“unsub Mahana”
to 7091

Monthly All-in-One

According to the bundle’s SMS, Data & Minutes, it is valid to say that it is a monthly all-in-one package. Subscribe to this package and get unlimited fun with maximum incentives. However, the price range of this bundle has been kept affordable so that everyone can activate it.

Sub & Un-sub Code

There are more than two official codes and methods by which you can activate this package or unsubscribe from this bundle. In addition, the network also has mention MBs, SMS & Minutes check codes by which you can check remaining incentives at low rates.

  • To subscribe dial *1000#
  • You can also subscribe by sending “Sub Mahana” to 7091
  • By official sub-code dial *6464# then reply with 4 then 6
  • To Unsubscribe please send “Unsub Mahana” to 7091
MBs Check Code

You can also check MBs on your bundle by dialing *102# in charges of just PKR 0.15 per check. In addition, the allotted MBs will only work on 3G & 4G devices. The uploading, download, and browsing speed may change from one place to another because of the coverage area.

See More: My Zong App Offer 6GB Free

Apna4G Final Words

In the end, my final words about this article or this post circle around one word “fabulous”. Yes! I can just that this bundle is fabulous for all of us. Whether you are an internet user, SMS buddy, or user of on-off network calls, this offer is made for you. However, if you still have any questions or queries about this package then please click on the official website link given here.

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