Choose Your Number Jazz – Jazz Book My Number

Only Mobilink provides the service of Choose Your Number Jazz and book. It means you are eligible to Choose Your Jazz Number Online if it is available and book it.

Get ready to choose your own SIM number according to your lucky number and favorite digits with the “Jazz Choose Number” service. This service costs a little much more than compared to normal digit SIM cards.

 Both prepaid and postpaid Jazz customers are eligible to buy their favorite number. You just have to choose the number and the page will automatically generate the price of the number.

Choose Your Number Jazz

Jazz has launched an online webpage on which they show plenty of prepaid and postpaid numbers in different categories having special prefixes & suffixes.

Each number price is also present in front of it so that you can choose your SIM number easily. We have described the service with the images below.

Jazz Choose Number Types

Jazz Choose Number has divided the stunning SIM numbers into 7 different categories. These are the 7 categories of Jazz prepaid & postpaid SIM numbers:

  • PENTA (PKR 50,000)
  • Platinum (PKR40,000)
  • Platinum Plus (PKR 20,000)
  • Special Premium (PKR 20,000)
  • Golden (PKR 1000)
  • Exchange-able (PKR 300)
  • Jazz Normal (PKR 200)
Jazz Choose Number Type

You can select one number from these 7 types given above on the official page network. Hence, numbers and their price will automatically be generated by Jazz. Besides, it is a golden chance for all of us to get any number of our choice on just Mobilink Jazz SIM.

Jazz Choose Number Criteria

Another option of “Criteria” is also available on the front page of the select SIM digits front page. Hence, just click on that option and three different options will allow you to manually generate the suffix and prefix of your number. In addition, enter the number you require and click on the button “search” The network will give you information about the availability of the number. Unavailable numbers will show the notification “Your number is not available”.

  • Open official website
  • Click on “search criteria”
  • Select “prefix” 0300, 0301, etc
  • Select “criteria” (remaining 7 digits)
  • Click on “search” and get the number
  • Price will also be present along with the number
Criteria wise SIM select

Create Your Own Digits

With this service, all customers can create their digits for SIM cards. Hence, polish your personality with a great combination of SIM numbers. Moreover, this will shine on your personality. Many people use the same number for their car, bike, SIM & for other needs of life.

How To Buy Number?

Currently, Jazz has not introduced the service of online SIM reserve. Hence, if you like any number, then visit your nearest franchise or Jazz retailer and experience center to get it. SIM choose service is available online but getting SIM and payment method is physical. Hence, this service works on the principle of the “first come first reserve system”.

See More: Jazz Infinity Browser

Terms & Conditions
  • The number starts from 200 to 50,000 rupees
  • The manual designed number can cost 50,000+
  • If you like any number, visit the Jazz franchise
  • You can’t book or reserve a selected number online
  • In addition, Please visit the official page for more INFO & FAQs

17 thoughts on “Choose Your Number Jazz – Jazz Book My Number”

  1. Need jazz no any above number is available plz write me price how much I have to pay?

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