Jazz Discount Bazar Subscribe & Unsubscribe Code

Jazz Discount Bazar App is a special APK that is designed to give discounts on different products & items to all Jazz SIM users. Yes! If you are using Jazz SIM then download the Jazz Discount Bazar App from the Play Store or the Apple Store and enjoy discounts daily.

Are you planning to dine in any restaurant in your city? If Yes! Then open the Jazz Discount Bazar app and search for the latest deals available on this app for you. With this method, you can enjoy restaurant food at a sale rate.

Getting discounts on different stores and outlets also has become possible via the Jazz Discount Bazar App. All the famous brands, outlets, and stores are registered with the Jazz Discount Bazar App. Hence, you just need to open the app and search the brand outlets. And visit it physically to buy the latest designed clothes at a discount price.

Jazz Discount Bazar (SUB & UNSUB)

Open the Play Store if you are an Android mobile user, on the other hand, iPhone users open the Apple Store and download the “Jazz Discount Bazar” app.

Further, after the downloading is complete, open the app on your mobile. See the 1st page of this app, which usually looks like the given example present below.

Full Details:

Service Name:Jazz Discount Bazar
Availability:Android & Apple iOS
Charges:Rs 5+tax/day
SUB-Code:SMS ‘Sub’ to 5005
UNSUB-Code:SMS ‘Unsub’ to 5005

Note: To unsubscribe from this app (service) Send ‘Unsub’ to 5005 and then select option <0>for successful deactivation.

Jazz Discount Bazar app

Jazz Discount Bazar Benefits

You can access Top Deals, Education, Food Deals, Ladies’ Section, Entertainment, Health & Fitness, Shopping & Fashion, and other related benefits through this app. Let’s see each benefit separately with its details.

Restaurant Deals

All the famous and big restaurants in your city are included in the Jazz Discount Bazar app. In the second place, you just select your favorite restaurant (hotel) from the available list. And book (reserve) your seat to get special deals on your visit.

Jazz Discount Bazar deal

Similarly, you just need to set your location first. So that, the app will search it for you, whether the restaurants in your area are giving a special discount or not.

Jazz Discount Bazar location

Select your favorite food brand and see how many deals they are offering to be ordered online. On the other hand, through a physical visit to all their respected customers.

select brand

Buy 1, Get 1 Free

In addition, this special APK also allows buying 1 and getting 1 free premium deal. Yes! This deal will only apply to selected brands (items). Hence, food lovers install it today to get maximum food at a minimum price.

buy 1 & get 1 free

Online Stores Discount

All famous clothing & other online stores in Pakistan are also working online through official apps. Hence, their links are also present here in the Jazz Discount Bazaar app.

online stores sale

You just select your favorite outlet or clothing brand from this app. Moreover, see how many discounts are given there on selected dresses, household items, and all other stuff of daily routine life.

See: Discount Bazar Deactivation

Free MBs & Coins (Daily)

Like the Jazz World App, this prepaid service App also provides free MBs and free coins to shop for items only daily. Yes! Install this app and get regular free internet MBs.

free data & coins

On the other hand, the maximum coins you earn in this app will increase your chances to buy different products online at discount.

Apna4G Conclusion

We suggest our dear visitors download and install this app right away. Hence, you can avail best deals, sale offers, and free discounts 100% legally through authentic methods. On the other hand, the free MBs give support to dear visitors to access plain internet on 3G/4G, LTE devices for free.