Du & Etisalat are two major telecommunications operators working in the UAE. Telephone Numbers List of Du & Etisalat are present here on this page with in-depth details.
See which company number you are using in the UAE. It is possible to know your network name through the first 3 digits of your number. Let’s see the full details from the given list present below.
Du & Etisalat Numbers
In the UAE the responsibilities of SMS, Call, and Data (Internet) packages are provided by Du and Etisalat. Both these networks have similar network codes.
Hence, due to the similarity of network codes, the UAE residents remain confused about whether the number belongs to “which network”. We have solved this confusion in this article because the Sim Codes List of all networks of the UAE is mention here separately.
- 050 is Etisalat
- 054 is Etisalat
- 056 is Etisalat
- 052 is Du
- 055 is Du
- 058 is Du
Here, we have describe the number series of Du and Etisalat separately below. Check the details about your SIM number series from here and know which SIM you are using in the UAE.
Etisalat Codes List
Founded on 30 August 1976 Etisalat is one of the oldest telecom networks in the world. It works in numerous countries, and it has wide network coverage in the UAE. That’s why, residents of the UAE prefer this network. It has been working for the last 47 years and providing super speedy internet, clear voice, and instant SMS offers in the UAE.
List of Etisalat Network Codes:
Network: | Etisalat |
Series: | 05X |
Codes: | 050 054 056 |
Official Portal: | https://www.etisalat.ae/en/index.html |
Du Codes List
Emirate’s Integrated Telecommunications Company P.J.S.C. also known by its short name Du is the 2nd most used telecom network of the UAE according to the subscriber’s index. It was founded in May 2005 and providing reliable SMS, Call, and Data services at affordable rates for the last 18 years.
List of Du Network Codes:
Network: | Du |
Series: | 05X |
Codes: | 052 055 058 |
Official Portal: | https://www.du.ae/ |
050 Du or Etisalat
The numbers that start from 050 are Etisalat numbers. Only the UAE residents have the 050 code SIM of the Etisalat network.
052 Du or Etisalat
The 052 is the serial number of Du. It is different from other networks. When you receive a call from a number that starts from 052 then it would be a Du number.
054 Du or Etisalat
The next serial number is 054 which is the starting serial of all Etisalat numbers. It is a source of super speedy internet. If you have this serial in your number beginning, then you are an Etisalat user.
055 Du or Etisalat
Du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company P.J.S.C.) has the serial code 055 respectively. Hence, all numbers starting from 055 are Du SIM card numbers.
056 Du or Etisalat
Etisalat has 056 serial. It is the famous serial code of the UAE and people prefer this serial because of its perfect pattern. Hence, buy a 5G Etisalat SIM of this serial.
058 Du or Etisalat
At the end, the serial code 058 is the 3 digits of all Du SIM cards. It is now clear to all my dear visitors about the serial numbers of the UAE telecom networks.
We have mention all the serial codes of the UAE SIM Cards that cause major confusion among UAE residents. Hence, check which code belongs to “which network” by reading this 3-minute article.