Telenor Daily, Weekly and Monthly 6 to 6 Offers

Telenor 6 to 6 Offers

Telenor has launched new 6 to 6 Offers for daily, weekly, and monthly usage. Activate the Offpeak Offer and get internet from 6 AM to 6 PM. Price, subscribe code, check code, and other basic details of these packages are present below.

Offpeak Offer is such a package which works in specific hours. Telenor internet packages that work from 6 AM to 6 PM are known as Offpeak Offers. Such offers are also known as 6 to 6 Packages. We have mentioned here Daily, Weekly, and Monthly 6 to 6 Offers.

Enjoy unlimited internet on prepaid Telenor SIM from morning to evening. Yes! We are talking about affordable internet for the full 12 hours of a day. There are three variants of Telenor 6 to 6 Offers, and we have mentioned all these variants below. Let’s see daily, weekly, and monthly Telenor 6 to 6 Offers.

Telenor Daily Offpeak Offer

Activate Telenor Daily Offpeak Offer and get 1500 MB (1.5GB) from 6 AM to 6 PM. Dial *10# code to activate this package. The price of this package is Rs 15. Enjoy 3G/4G internet for 12 hours on-stop.

Offer Name:Daily Offpeak
Internet:1500 MB
Validity:1 Day
Timing:6AM to 6PM
Price:Rs 15
Subscribe Code:*10#

Telenor Weekly 6 to 6 Package

Get 5000 MB (5GB) internet from 6 AM to 6 PM with Telenor Weekly 6 to 6 Package. The price of this package is Rs 87. Dial *71# code to subscribe to this offer.

Offer Name:Weekly Offpeak
Internet:5000 MB
Validity:7 Days
Timing:6AM to 6PM
Price:Rs 87
Subscribe Code:*71#

Telenor Monthly Offpeak Offer

Get 4GB by activating the Telenor Monthly Offpeak Offer. This offer works from 6 AM to 6 PM on prepaid Telenor SIM cards. Dial *301# code to activate this offer. The price of this package is Rs 220. Let’s take a look at the price, code, and other details of this package.

Offer Name:Monthly Offpeak
Internet:4000 MB
Validity:30 Days
Timing:6AM to 6PM
Price:Rs 220
Subscribe Code:*301#

Check Remaining Internet MBs

Use the Telenor App to check the remaining internet MBs and timing of this daily, weekly, and monthly Telenor Offpeak Offer. Hence, activate your desire Telenor 6 to 6 Offer today and enjoy non-stop internet according to your desire timing.

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Terms & Conditions
  • These are prepaid packages
  • Multiple subscriptions are allowed
  • These are non-recursive packages
  • All these packages work from 6 AM to 6 PM
  • GST, AIT, and FED taxes will apply to this offer
  • These packages can be change anytime in future
  • The Internet of these packages works on 3G/4G bands
  • Telenor and djuice users can activate these packages
  • All these terms and conditions will apply to these packages