Telenor All Check Codes – Check Number, SMS, Minutes & MBs

Telenor All Check Codes 2024 | Here we have describe Telenor MBs, SMS, Minutes & Balance Check Codes to check the remaining incentives at a fix Rs 0.24 rate.

Yes! This has become possible to check your remaining incentives without dialing illegal codes or through other fake methods. Telenor has officially launched a few codes that are specifically designed for incentives checks.

However, there are also many other methods that can help you to check remaining MBs, SMS, or Minutes but remember that according to Telenor those methods are not accurate.

Telenor All Check Codes

In Telenor, we have to check our package incentives. On the other hand, we also receive free resources that are also important to inquire daily after a few intervals. Hence, we have mentioned those codes that are 100% working and give you great results:

Here we have described the code & checking price of:

  • SMS Inquiry Code
  • Minutes Inquiry Code
  • Balance Inquiry Code
  • Internet Inquiry Code

Along with each code there, an official price has been mentioned to explain these figures correctly. On the other hand, remember that the following codes will only work on prepaid SIMs.

Telenor SMS Check Code

To check the total number of SMS and remaining SMS on Telenor prepaid SIM, dial *111# from the dial pad. Remember that you will charge Rs 0.24 for each time you dial the inquiry code.

Code Name:SMS Inquiry
Price:Rs 0.24

Telenor Minutes Check Code

Now it’s time to inquire about the remaining minutes, and it is only possible when you dial *222# and for this command, your account will pay 0.24 rupees.

Code Name:Minutes Inquiry
Price:Rs 0.24

Telenor Balance Check Code

In SIM cards the most important part is the balance that is essential to buy (SMS, Call, or Internet) package. But the question arises, “how a user” will check its account balance? It is simple because Telenor has launched one code method. Just dial *444# at the fixed rate of Rs 0.24 only.

Code Name:Balance Inquiry
Price:Rs 0.24

Telenor Internet MBs Check Code

Do you have active any internet package? Then check how many MBs do you have left by dialing *999# from the prepaid number. The official price of this package is Rs 0.24 like all other codes.

Code Name:MB Inquiry
Price:Rs 0.24
Terms & Conditions
  • SMS MB & Minutes code are for prepaid SIM
  • Network will charge 0.24 each time you dial check code
  • Additional charges may apply according to package & location
  • In addition, For more details, visit Telenor site or use Telenor App

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