Telenor Monthly Social Pack Plus 2025 (Full Details)

Telenor Monthly Social Pack Plus is providing 4000 MB WhatsApp & Facebook with 1000 SMS in Rs 85. Dial *660# to activate Telenor Whatsapp Package Monthly 4000 MB. In addition, the subscriber will be able to use all the incentives without any break for 30 days.

Get excited because Telenor has launched a monthly social bucket only for Facebook and WhatsApp. Yes! On the other hand, officials have incentives for the MBs and decrease the price of this bundle.

Social media has become a part of our lives. Now, whenever we sit free for a while, the first thing we do is “check our WhatsApp or FB account” or check updates. However, it is only possible when we have an affordable net package.

Telenor Monthly Social Pack Plus

In the past, we have to activate daily, weekly, or monthly internet packages to get access to social media apps. However, now Telenor has launched different validity packages for social media. This time, officials have launched a 30-day valid social media bucket.

Providing 4000 MBs for 85 rupees, this is the cheapest package in the history of the internet. We have never seen such a huge amount of MBs & SMS bundle that is available for less than a hundred rupees. Let’s get details about this bundle here.

4GB in Rs 85

According to the heading, the user will receive 4000 MBs for Facebook and WhatsApp only. In addition, the user will also get 1000 SMS for all networks. The bundle price was quite expensive, but now the network has reduced its price and Telenor Monthly Social Pack Plus current price is Rs 85.


Offer Name:Social Plus
Validity:30 Days
Price:Rs 85

Prepaid Socializing

Telenor prepaid SIM users can activate a monthly plus bundle and enjoy Facebook timeline videos & images. In addition, WhatsApp audio + video calls, messages, and statuses are also available through it. The last function performed by this offer is to update social media accounts with full access for 30 days. These are the latest Telenor PUBG Game Packages with low to high-rate bundles according to validity and MBs amount.

Terms & Conditions

  • MBs are valid on 2G/3G/4G devices
  • Price may change in federal territory areas
  • No call setup charges because of MBs & SMS
  • The bundle will expire after 30 days (midnight, 12AM)
  • Get full info about prices & codes from the official link

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