Zong Monthly Supreme Offer 2025 Code and Package Details

Zong Monthly Supreme Offer code is *3030# and it provides 20GB, 5000 Zong Minutes, 500 Other Minutes & 5000 SMS for Rs 1300 including taxes. This is a 2025 (all-rounder) bucket that is available for prepaid users only.

Complete subscription details check the info and unsubscribe trick about the Zong Monthly Supreme Offer mentioned here in this article. Hence, all those users who really want to activate the Monthly All-Rounder Zong bucket stay connected & read the full article to get complete details about the Supreme package.

Basically, Zong and all other networks (telecom) show that a specific package deducts (1 rupee) less than any customized amount. However, remember that all the packages always deduct subscription fees in round figures.

Zong Monthly Supreme Offer

According to the round figure formula, the price becomes 1300 rupees, and it is considered the actual subscription fee of the Zong Monthly Supreme Offer. It is clear that the monthly offer remains active for 30 days, whether the month contains more or less than 30 days.

Incentives, price, and code are given here in detail:

Offer Name:Monthly Supreme
Price:Rs 1300

20,000 MBs (3G/4G)

Via Monthly Supreme the user will get 20GB of data which becomes nearly 20,000 MBs. Hence, social media usage, downloading, uploading, streaming, and gaming have become easy and cheap through the Zong Monthly Supreme package.

See: Zong Pro Packages

5000 (SMS & On-Net)

In addition, many users always remain in search of the highest number of SMS and On-Network (Zong to Zong) minutes in 30-day prepaid (hybrid) packages. Remember that the Zong Monthly Supreme offer is an all-rounder offer that gives 5000 SMS and 5000 On-Network minutes.

See: Zong Prepaid Net Offers

500 Other Minutes

The last incentive is the basic opportunity that is given to all Zong users via a monthly prepaid (supreme) bucket. Yes! You will receive 500 minutes for Zong to Jazz, Telenor, and Ufone numbers minutes.

Fixed Price Rs 1300

A few months ago, Zong 4G was given a special discount on Zong Monthly Supreme Offer of up to 20% on its actual price. But the previous discount is now finishing, and you will only be able to get the following bucket on your number for 1300 rupees.

Why You Should Activate it?

Now the question arises that Zong 4G has recently added numerous daily, weekly, and monthly hybrid packages to its list. Then why we should activate the Supreme bucket for our monthly usage? Hence, the all-in-one reason to subscribe following hybrid package is its affordable Rs 1300 rate. That applies to its massive collection of (MBs, SMS, and Minutes) respectively.

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