668 PTA SIM Information System | CNIC SIM Check Online

Get complete info about registering SIM cards through 668 PTA. Just send your CNIC number with any space on 668 and get it all in one detail. PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) has launched a 668 code to check “how many SIM cards” are registered in your name.

Get information about registered SIM cards on your ID Card number through the “668 SMS trick” or visit the “Official website”. This service is available for all Pakistani telecom network users. We have further described both of these methods in detail separately.

Foremost, you have to choose one method that will give you information about your (Jazz, Zong, Ufone, Telenor, or Warid) SIM cards. Both of these methods are free, and you need “SMS” in the first method on the other and “internet” in the second method to visit the official page.

668 Code By PTA

People usually search for the term “668” on the internet. I want to clarify that this code is just a service code that has been launched by PTA to help you. You can find out the total number of SIM cards in your name through this code.

668 PTA (Website)

There is also an official website that can be use by users instead of the 668 code. You just have to visit PTA’s official website if you don’t want to send your CNIC code on this code.

Send CNIC No

In the first method, you have to send your CNIC code to 668. Moreover, I sent my ID card number without space and they replied to me with my registered SIM card’s total number.

  • Type CNIC No without space
  • Send ID Card No to 668 Code
  • PTA replies with registered SIM cards
  • Moreover, This SMS can be sent free of cost

Visit (SIM Info System)

Those users who don’t want to send their ID card number on this code can also check their SIM information through this link.

  • Visit PTA Gov Pk
  • Now enter your CNIC number
  • Click on “Submit”
  • Finally, The result will show SIM details
SIM Information System Details

Keep Register SIM

Always use a registered SIM card and never use an unknown registered SIM card. This is against the law & court to use unregistered or unknown registration SIM cards. In case of any mishap, you will be in trouble.

More: PTA Approve Mobile

Hence, this method will help you to check how many SIM cards are working in Pakistan on your ID Card. If you don’t have many registered cards, as these methods show, then contact the franchise to block those unknown SIM cards.

Author Conclusion

PTA has made SIM information systems easy to access even for the common man. Hence, while sitting at your home you can know the total number of SIM cards of Jazz, Zong, Ufone & Telenor used against your ID Card.

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