Here is the complete method to check the IBAN Number of JazzCash & EasyPaisa accounts for free via a few easy steps. Yes! Now you can check your mobile account IBAN number in 5 seconds.
Pakistan is counted among those countries where people usually travel to other countries to earn money. Hence, the majority of families depend upon the money that usually comes from other countries sent by their loved ones.
Now, receiving money from the international level is confusing for Pakistani friends. Hence, the 2 well-known apps (JazzCash & EasyPaisa) launched by top telecom networks have launched their IBAN numbers to directly receive money from abroad.
What is the IBAN Number?
Every one of us has a bank account and a specific bank account number. But this account number is only valid on the national level (in 1 country) only. But for the international level, the bank alternates your “bank account number” and provides you with an IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
This IBAN (International Bank Account Number) makes your account valid in other countries. Moreover, you can receive and send money (funds) via IBAN to all countries of the world. Hence, today we are going to talk about the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) of JazzCash & EasyPaisa.
IBAN Number of JazzCash & EasyPaisa
It is a common fact that both Jazz Cash & Easy Paisa apps are funds transfer applications. But you will be surprised to know that the following apps also support International Bank Account Numbers for other countries to Pakistan fund transactions.
We have described both apps’ IBAN Numbers here. In addition, the method to “Check IBAN Number of JazzCash & EasyPaisa” in a step-by-step procedure is present below.
JazzCash IBAN Number
Freelancers and other users who want to send or receive funds from other countries to Pakistan. Can connect Payoneer directly with your Jazz Cash account via the following steps and the official Jazz Cash IBAN Number:
- Login Jazz Cash App
- Select Payoneer via the JazzCash app
- Register on Payoneer via the Jazz Cash App
- Sign up & create the Payoneer account
- 1st of all provide your contact details
- Provide your account security details
- The app will automatically generate your account info
- Now wait for a confirmation SMS to conform
- Success! Payoneer account is connected to Jazz Cash
- Jazz Cash App will automatically generate the IBAN Number
- Hence Jazz Cash IBAN Number is PK29JAZZ0000000000000001
You can also call on official helpline 4444 Jazz and inquire about additional details related to IBAN. 100% accurate Jazz Cash International Bank Account Number is present above. Other SIM users call on 021-111-124-444 number.
EasyPaisa IBAN Number
International transactions are possible via the EasyPaisa App. Simply create your Easy Paisa app and follow these steps to check the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of your EasyPaisa account.
- Open the Easy Paisa App
- Now click on “My Account”
- Next, click on “Account Information”
- Here is your IBAN Number on the top tab
- Hence, Use this IBAN Number for International transactions
In case of any confusion, you can get help from the officials of Easy Paisa by calling the helpline. Moreover, Telenor users call on 3737 & other SIM users call on 042-111-003-737 code.
International Bank Account Number Importance
Without having any International Bank Account Number that is locally generated by the bank officials or app officials, you can’t access to fund transactions option globally. Hence, for global funds, and transfers make sure you have an International Bank Account (IBAN Number).
See: Online Earn Withdraw Easypaisa JazzCash
See: Send Money from Easypaisa to JazzCash
We have tried our best and explained the IBAN Number topic in easy words here. In the same way, those users still face problems while checking (getting this number). In addition, you can contact the helpline or also comment to us here so that we can give you a possible solution that will help you, surely.
Jazz cash plz give me iban number
please send me IBAN number
Please send me my IBAN no
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mujhy jazz cash account ka IBAN number send kren.
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IBAN number plz send me jazcash
Sir Iban Number Sent
check and see the num
kindly send my IBAN
Please send me my Jazz Cash IBAN number
Please send me easypaisa iban number