Keep money in Easypaisa Saving Account and get 14% Annual Profit in the form of Easypaisa Daily Profit 2025. Hence, Save and Earn Daily Profit from the Easypaisa Saving Account in 2025. Here we have described in full detail about Easypaisa Saving Account, its profit rate, different plans, balance slab, and annual rate.
How to save money in the Easypaisa account (app) so that we can get a reward (profit) daily in the form of money? It is a common question asked by Easy Paisa users and in this article, I have answered all these questions for you. Hence, keep reading this article to get 100% accurate details in easy words.
Recently, Easy Paisa (a leading internet payment app) has introduced a savings account scheme. The working strategy of this savings account is the same as normal bank savings accounts. However, few advanced features and new rules have been introduced by the easy paisa app. These rules and 3 different plans for balancing saving accounts make this “saving account” unique. Let’s talk about this saving account in detail:
Easypaisa Saving Account (Details)
Save your money online in Easypaisa and get 14% profit of the total amount through Easypaisa Daily Profit 2025. Yes! This is true, and it is becoming a money increase source daily for all easy paisa users without any strict rules.
It will increase your Easypaisa account balance daily, and no tax or other deduction tricks will apply here. Hence, your original money will remain to save, and you will earn daily profit for free.
Benefits Of Daily Profit Account
These are the top benefits that you will receive by saving your money in an Easypaisa savings account for free:
- 14% Annual Profit (Daily)
- Account Entry & Exit is free
- No rule to locking your money
- Increase user money every day
- One-click saving account activation
Different Plans & Annual Rate
The annual profit rate will be calculated according to the plan you choose while subscribing to this Easypaisa Saving Account.
Name: | Balance: | Annual Rate: |
Simple | 2,000 or Below | No Payout |
Silver | 2,000 or above | 7% |
Gold | 5,000 or above | 9% |
Platinum | 20,000 or above | 11% |
In addition, if you keep 50,000 or above then according to the titanium plan you will get 14% annual profit. Hence, this savings account has 4 different plans (packages) having different annual profit rates according to the money limit you save in your account.
Save & Earn Money Daily
It is the only online money transaction app that provides such money money-increasing policy. You can save and earn daily profit, and it is on you whether you withdraw the profit or keep it in your account. In addition, there is also no restriction for those users who want their money back. Hence, the total amount withdrawn is also possible anytime you want.
See: Telenor Microfinance Bank Loan
How To Save Money in EasyPaisa For Profit?
You must have an Easy Paisa account, that’s all you need for money saving in Easy Paisa. Follow these steps and select any basic plan according to your financial conditions:
- Open the easy paisa app and on “Savings” to proceed
- Select any plan from ⇒ Silver 7% | Gold 9% | Platinum 11% | Titanium 14%
- Now try to maintain the (amount) money in your account according to the selected plan
- Done! You will receive your profit according to the selected plan regularly (you can also check it daily)
Your 1st profit of the daily reward will be added to your easy paisa saving account the next day after you create the savings account and choose a suitable plan for your easy paisa profit saving account.
Note: The officials have mentioned in the terms & conditions that Zakat and other basic taxes will apply while using the Easypaisa app or its new saving account feature.
Hi. I have subscribe 5000 saving account the profit I will get from 5000 thousand or I will get from the total money which I have in my easypasia wallet is more than 5000 pls provide me full information
You will get 14% profit annually it means on 50000 Rs you will get 7000 Annually and 583.33 Monthly and 19.44 on daily basis. When company give you loan then gets profit 12.85% from you. when you open saving account the give you 1.16% profit. How much difference.