Jazz Bima Unsubscribe Code 2025 | Unsub Sehat Policy

Type “NO”, “Cancel” or “Unsub” and send it to 9878 to unsubscribe the Jazz Bima Sehat Insurance Policy for free. We have mentioned all those possible methods that can help you to get rid of this insurance policy in easy words.

Do you want to cancel Jazz Bima 2 or 5 Insurance policies in Jazz? If Yes! Then you are on the right page because we discussed all those important steps and tricks that can deactivate this service permanently from your number.

You just need the official SIM (prepaid or postpaid) through which you had created the insurance policy from the network. Hence, gather your items and take a look at the following methods described below to cancel subscription from the Bima Sehat Policy.

Jazz Bima Unsubscribe Tricks

There are basically 2 tricks that can help you to cancel your “account subscription in Jazz insurance”. It doesn’t depend upon your Bima policy type (what type of policy you are using) but the deactivation method is the same for all Insurance Sehat Policy types.

Moreover, it’s on you whether you want to deactivate (cancel subscription) Jazz Bima via the SMS method. In addition, in the 2nd case, you can call the official “BIMA Insurance Sehat Policy” helpline and provide your details to close your account.

  • Bima Policy Unsubscribe via SMS
  • Insurance Policy Deactivate via Helpline

Bima Policy Unsub via SMS

It is clear from the name of the heading; we are going to share the info of “Bima Sehat Policy”. Moreover, Jazz Insurance Policy un-subscription via SMS. Take a look at its steps to deactivate Jazz Bima via SMS:

  • Type a message from these 3 options
  • Type “NO”, “Cancel” or “Unsub” in message
  • Send this SMS to 9878 (official Jazz Bima number)
  • Hence, You will receive (Bima policy unsub conformation SMS)
  • That’s it, you have successfully cancel the Jazz Bima (Insurance)

9878 (Jazz Bima Policy) unsubscribe code doesn’t charge any price on the sending of SMS. Hence, those users who don’t have an SMS package can also send the “unsubscribe command” via the given method to cancel their insurance policy from Jazz.

Insurance Deactivation via Helpline

Official Jazz Insurance helpline number is available 24/7 for all users. Hence, just call on its helpline number and ask the agent to close your insurance policy (account). They will ask the questions and close the insurance account for you.

Here you have to follow these steps:

  • Dial 042-111-119-878
  • Connect with the MILVIK agent
  • Provide them with your details
  • Ask the agent to deactivate the Bima service
  • They will send your request for an official review
  • In a few days you will receive a call or SMS from Jazz Bima
  • They will ask you the reason “why you are closing/leaving Bima policy”
  • Moreover, Via this easy method, you can close your account & Unsubscribe Jazz Bima

Note: You must have Rs 10+tax in your account before going to call on 042-111-119-878 number. This call will be connected officially to the Bima agents and will charge the money.

See: Jazz Notify Me Unsubscribe

See: Jazz Missed Call Alert Unsub

Claim Your Paid Insurance Money

Now the question arises “How you can claim the money back” that you paid while using the insurance policy service via Jazz Bima? It is a sensitive case, and you must contact Jazz Insurance’s (Bima) official terms and conditions page to get its in-depth details.

Apna4G Conclusion

Finally, we have explained all the important details about the (un-subscription or deactivation) of the Jazz Bima (ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE) Policy. However, those users who still face any difficulty while cancellation of Jazz Bima can contact officials from the given link present above. Or you can comment below so that we can help you.

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