Nadra SMS Tracking & Verification (8300, 8400, 8500, 7000, 9777, 9888)

National Database and Registration Authority have launched Nadra SMS Tracking Service that allows checking & verifying the applicants and different affiliated programs of the national database center online via message.

Yes! People often receive SMS from different short form numbers such as 8300, 8400, 8500, 7000, 9777, and 9888. Remember that all these short-form numbers belong to the official Nadra database. Hence always take such SMS seriously because they may be about government health programs or citizen verification messages.

Those people who receive such SMS will have to do following guidelines because such type of SMS is really important. These SMS can help you in many matters including identity proof and getting government aid in case of any natural disaster.

Nadra SMS Tracking & Verification

Basically, there are 6 official numbers that send SMS to users’ numbers. These numbers are different from each other and each number has special duty along with its identity.

SMS Tracking & Verification number of Nadra includes the following numbers and their duties are given below.

  • 8300
  • 8400
  • 8500
  • 7000
  • 9777
  • 9888

8300 (Election System Verification)

These four digits directly connect you with the Pakistan election commission, and you can check your “voter record” via sending your CNIC (ID card) number without hyphen (-) on 8300 for free. This SMS verification service usually proves very helpful at the time of elections in Pakistan.

8300 Nadra Service Info

8400 (CNIC & B-form Tracking)

When we apply for a new or renewal of B-form or CNIC in Pakistan, then it takes official time for both normal fees and even for urgent fees. But here the most satisfactory term is SMS service that is working 24/7 for the public. Now, check (inquire) whether their “B-form or CNIC” is ready or not. Whenever we apply for a new card in Nadra then officials give us a token. You just have to send that 12 digits of your token to 8400 and check whether your card is ready or not. We have provided the full format of SMS example for you:

Type according to this format: 3630200000000 send to 8400 and you will receive an instant reply with the current situation (progress) of your card printing.

Full info about Nadra Card Check via SMS

8500 (Sehat Sahulat Program Check)

It was the promise of PM Imran Khan that he will provide basic facilities to poor families so that lower-class people can also live a normal life. That’s why the PTI government has launched a “prime minister national health program”. It is o also known as Sehat Sahulat Program for all needy families.

Sehat Card details

You can check whether you are eligible for Sehat Sahulat Program or not via Nadra 8500 SMS service. Yes! Type your CNIC number and send it to 8500 and check whether you will receive Sehat Sahulat Program free benefits or not.

7000 (CNIC or Citizen Verification)

Do you want to verify the validity of any CNIC in Pakistan? You can do it while sitting home by using the official 7000 helpline number for Citizen Verification. Just type the CNIC number without hyphen (-) and send this SMS to 7000. You will receive a full detailed SMS through which you can check the CNIC name. Its number, DOB, issuance, and expiry date including the address of the CNIC owner.

Nadra SMS Tracking CNIC or Citizen Verification

9777 (Pakistan Card Verification)

Check whether you are included in the list of Pakistan Cardholders or not via SMS by sending your CNIC digits to 9777. In the case of your registration, this will reply with a positive response, in the second case you will get notification quickly.

Pakistan Card Info

9888 (Watan Card Verification)

Those villagers were affected by flood destruction in Pakistan. They can get financial help from the government via Watan Card. Basically, you just have to confirm that whether you are eligible or not by sending your CNIC (ID card) number to 9888. Get Nadra Vaccination certificate from here.

Watan card verification details
SMS Check Service Price

Every service has a fixed government price that will be deducted from the account of those users who send SMS. Remember that many services among these are free but mostly charges Rs 10 + tax as a government check fee. Hence always keep these service charges in your mind before sending your CNIC number on any help center number from this list.

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