How to Unblock Easypaisa Account if Resource Account Is Temporarily Blocked and now you need to unblock it. This may happen due to a violation of Easypaisa’s terms and conditions. However, the unblock method is simple, and it takes a few hours to reactivate your Temporarily Blocked Easypaisa Account.
In Pakistan, the one (trusted) and widely used digital mobile money transfer service is Easypaisa. However, many users who are unaware of the terms and conditions of this service perform different violations that may cause blockage of their Easy Paisa Account.
However, due to the Easy Paisa helpline and its retailer’s shops, you can reactivate your account on the same number for free. You just need to follow the steps that are mention here on this page.
How to Unblock Easypaisa Account?
Easypaisa Resource Account Is Temporarily Block and you just need to dial *786*8*1# and reset the EasyPaisa Account Pin Code. After that, Easypaisa will ask for your CNIC number, and you need to enter the same CNIC number. That was given by you at the time of blocked account creation. That’s all; your blocked account will reopen with a new PIN code.
Steps to reopen (unblock) Easypaisa Account:
- Dial *786*8*1#
- Provide user CNIC Number
- Set a New PIN (password) for future
- Done! Your Easypaisa Block Account is Unblock Successfully
See: JazzCash to Easypaisa Transfer
Call Helpline For Proper Guide
As you know, the official helpline number of EasyPaisa is 3737 for Telenor users. If you are using this service on another network number, then you need to call (021 / 042 / 051) or 111-003-737 numbers. Here, the steps are present below.
- 1st connect with the helpline
- Next, ask the agent to unblock the account
- Easy Paisa needs your info
- Provide CNIC Number, Name, Date of birth
- Other info may also require by Easypaisa
- After this process is complete, they will reactivate it
- Finally, In the next few hours or days, your Easypaisa account will start working
See: EasyPaisa Send & Recieve Charges
Easypaisa Helpline Always Response
Whether your account is block or you are facing any difficulty in service usage, the Easy Paisa helpline is the all-in-one solution for these problems. You just need to connect with a helpline and ask them to resolve your issue, in a few hours your account error will be resolve. Hence, we suggest you call on helpline in case of any error.
unblock it
Maray unblock kar do account
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Please un block my easypasa account
My Esaypisa Account is blocked please Account unblock