Telenor Internet Settings 2025 | Step by Step Details

Set your Telenor Internet Settings manually or with the automatic method in easy steps. Apna4G has described Telenor APN (GPRS, WAP & MMS) setting with accurate and 100% working ports numbers. Let’s start our today discussion.

Basically, every device supports 2G/3G/4G Internet according to its manufacturing capability. That’s why the user has to set the device’s internet setting according to its capability type. If your device is 2G or 3G supported, then its setting is different from 4G APN.

We have described all possible methods through which a user can configure its device (internet settings) in manual steps. Here is the description of GPRS, WAP, and MMS (APN) settings with accurate tables.

Telenor Internet Settings

There are basically 4 protocols that can create new internet (setting types) free. You just have to add the given configuration settings to your device to access 3G/4G LTE internet.

These three internet protocols contain the following types:

  • Internet (GPRS)
  • WAP 1.x
  • WAP 2.x
  • MMS

Let’s describe each internet (APN) settings of these four protocols separately. We have provided those settings that are necessary. Those users who get more options while setting can leave them blank. This is because the main & essential settings are given below, and those who fill these settings correctly will get access to the internet.

Telenor Internet Settings (GPRS 3G/4G)

For both 3G and 4G devices, the internet (GPRS) settings are given below. Always remember that you just have to fill the fields and leave other fields empty because those are not essential. These will be enough to connect you with 3G or 4G internet.

Settings Name:GPRS 3G/4G
APN Type:Default, supl

WAP 1.x

This is also an internet protocol used to access the internet through 1st port. You just need to fulfill the required fields with the following settings:

Proxy IP Address:

WAP 2.x

The second protocol to access 3G/4G LTE is the 2nd port WAP 2.x setting. In this setting, everything remains the same except the port serial (number) which is essential to change:

Proxy IP Address:


The last one is the 3G/4G LTE (MMS) setting. This setting is used to access internet multimedia calls. You just have to configure your MMS settings according to this list:

MMSC Proxy IP:

Manual Configuration Steps

To apply these LTE, 3G, 4G, and MMS settings, please follow these steps. The following steps will lead you to the configuration settings page where you just have to add the new setting according to the given MMS, WAP, and GPRS type.

  • Open Android/iOS settings
  • Now click on Wireless & Networks
  • It’s time to click on Mobile Networks
  • Now open the setting Access Point Names
  • You can now add settings (GPRS, WAP, or MMS)
  • At the end, click the “change & save” settings button
  • Congratulations! The New Telenor internet setting is set
Apna4G Result

In the end, I just want to express that all those settings and methods that are given above are 100% accurate. Get details about Telenor YouTube Packages from here. You can adjust your data settings so that internet access becomes easy for you. However, in case of any difficulty, you can visit the official website of the network.

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