Telenor Make Your Own Offer 2025 – Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Dial *347# and customize MBs, SMS & Minutes with the validity of a new bundle with Telenor Make Your Own Offer on your prepaid SIM.

All prepaid subscribers who want to activate the Telenor bundle according to their desire, get ready for a surprise offer. Furthermore, here we have a never-seen customization offer launched by Telenor for all prepaid subscribers.

Just dial *347# code and Make Your Own Offer. Customize SMS, Internet MBs, On-Network, and Off-Network Minutes. You can also choose the validity of your desire. Moreover, the network will give you a page on which you have to create a new bundle of your desired SMS, Minutes, and MBs. In addition, you will also be able to set the bundle validity. Hence, you will get the full authority to design a bundle for your own SIM according to your needs.

Telenor Make Your Own Offer

This is a service that has been launched by the network for those subscribers who always want to design their packages on their own. Hence, an automatic calculator has been designed by Telenor which fixes the price of the bundle which you design on it.

It’s on you whether you create (design) a daily, weekly, or monthly (SMS, Call, or Internet) package through *347# code. Remember that the following code gives you a free hand to access all features of the “create a specific” bundle.

How To Make An Offer?

With Telenor prepaid SIM please dial *347# and put the amount of SMS, Minutes, MBs, and validity of the bundle you want. Then click on the Next button and Telenor will automatically process your provided incentives details and give a price according to your designed offer.

Offer Name:Make Your
Own Offer
MBs:Set By User
SMS:Set By User
Validity:Set By User
Price:Set By Network

Note: This service is only available for prepaid SIM users.

Automatic Calculator

We can say that Telenor has set up a hidden calculator. Which works according to the current rate of MBs, Minutes & SMS. Finally, it will provide the exact price of the bundle that a user designs. Hence, there is no chance of any type of confusion or over-charging through this bundle.

See More: Telenor Double Number

Terms & Conditions
  • *347# is the offer customizer code.
  • Prepaid subscribers can use this service.
  • There are no subscription charges to use this service.
  • Set SMS, Minutes, or MBs on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.
  • In addition, click here to see complete details from official INFO & FAQs.

3 thoughts on “Telenor Make Your Own Offer 2025 – Daily, Weekly, Monthly”

  1. can we write a further string for the sms, mbs, offnet calls, on-net calls and social further after the code
    or it may make a system and we can copy the code or share it for someone to make my own offer to someone.

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