Type “UNSUB” and send this SMS to 6666 the Ufone Caller Tune Unsubscribe Code & UTunes Unsub Code. As a result, Deactivate Ufone Ringtone naat/song/kalam/nohay on your prepaid or postpaid Ufone number in low daily & weekly charges.
Ufone is now offering two basic tunes in which you can get a ringtone from a wide library of UTunes. You can also set your Ufone ringtone in your own voice with the latest “Record Your Voice” service. Both of these services have the same charges.
Both Ufone prepaid & postpaid SIM subscribers can get a caller ringtone. However, it is important to highlight that the company will charge different charges weekly from prepaid or postpaid users. Complete details about tunes, subscribing, unsubscribing code and charges have been arranged in the row below.
UTunes SUB Code
To subscribe to Ufone Caller Tune Ringtone on a prepaid or postpaid number, please dial *6666# or SMS “SUB” to 6666.
Ufone Caller Tune Unsubscribe Code
You can unsubscribe from Ufone Caller Tune – Ufone Ringtone – UTunes by sending “UNSUB” to 6666. This code is valid for both prepaid & postpaid SIM cards.
Ufone Caller Tune Charges
As you know, this service has been designed for both Ufone prepaid & postpaid numbers. Hence, you can activate this service on any number. However, the charges of this service are PKR 1.5+ tax per day on any SIM card.
Listen All UTunes
You can listen to all UTunes ringtones (songs/naat/qawali/nohay) by dialing 6666. Hence simply listen to a ringtone and activate it by selecting it.
See More: Ufone Super Minutes
Gift UTune To Friends
All subscribers can also Gift a UTune to friends who also have this service activated on their numbers. You can simply send a gift by SMS “GiftUTune Code<friend’s number> to 6666. This gift service will charge PKR 6.98 on prepaid numbers and PKR 5.84 on postpaid numbers.
UTune Complete Details
Here complete details of the sub, unsub, check code, charges, and further information is discuss and arrange in the table below.
Service Name: | Ufone Caller Tune |
Listen UTunes: | Dial 6666 |
SUB-Code: | *6666# |
SUB-SMS: | “SUB” to 6666 |
UNSUB-Code: | “UNSUB” to 6666 |
Charges: | PKR 1.5+tax per day |
UTune Gift: | SMS “GiftUTune Code” to 666 |
UTune Gift Price: | Prepaid 6.98 |
UTune Gift Price: | Postpaid 5.84 |
Apna4G Conclusion
UTunes ringtones are the best service for all subscribers to convey the reflection of your personality to all users who have dialed calls on your number. Hence, it can have a deep impact on the minds of all callers who will dial your number. For more details about Caller Tune / Crbt Service, please click on INFO & FAQs.
i failed to cancel CRBT service on a prepaid account of ufone and continuously balance is deducting. Ufone deactivate it .
Cancel CRBT service on a prepaid account of ufone and continuously balance is deducting. Ufone deactivate it .