Zong MNP Offer also known as Mobile Number Portability Service converts your current network to Zong. Full Details about this offer are presented here on this page.
Now your SIM number will remain the same, but the network will amazingly convert to ZONG network via a few easy steps through Zong MNP Offer. This offer is also call as Zong Mobile Number Portability Offer, and it is very useful.
Whether you are using Jazz, Ufone, Telenor, or SCOM SIM in Pakistan, it has become possible to convert your SIM to ZONG for free. You just need to follow Zong MNP Offer to convert your SIM network.
Zong MNP Offer (Details)
Basically, you have to send ‘MNP to 667’ to convert your current SIM to Zong without changing your number. This service is known as Zong MNP Offer.
You can also access the official ZONG Portal and click on “MNP – Converting my existing number to Zong network” to access the ZONG MNP Service.
1st of all, click on the given link to open the official MNP service portal of ZONG. Click on MNP and now provide your basic details e.g. Name, Email, City, Address, and official number which you want to convert to Zong.

Click here and open the ZONG MNP SERVICE and follow the instructions according to this image. As a result, your current number will be convert to ZONG via MNP Offer.
Benefits Of MNP (Conversion)
- MNP convert your current number to ZONG
- Your old SIM number will remain the same without changing it
- Hence, without changing the phone number network will be change
- No additional charges and fees will apply here on using the ZONG MNP service
Free Incentives Gift
When a user converts to Zong, the officials of this network provide free 2GB Internet MBs (Data) – 1000 Zong Minutes for 7 days. Follow these steps to get free MBs and Minutes:
- Dial *10# and wait
- Get 1GB of WhatsApp
- Avail 1GB of Facebook
- 1000 On-Net Minutes
- All these for 7 days (enjoy)
Note: the free incentives will not work from 7 pm to 12 am.
See: Zong Online Recharge
Apna4G Suggestion
We recommend our dear visitors to visit the Zong franchise in case of SIM network conversion because the thumb impression (verification) has been made compulsory by all telecom networks in Pakistan. Hence, visit the franchise and completely convert your SIM to ZONG by MNP service free.
I was interested to convert my Ufone Sim into Zong network