Jazz Daily Call Packages 2025 (Updated)

Are you searching for Jazz to Jazz & other networks 1 day Call offers? Here we have the latest Jazz Daily Call Packages 2025 with prices and details.

Jazz Daily Call Packages

Currently, the Jazz is the only Network in Pakistan that provides affordable on-network call packages. Whether these call packages are for 1 day, 7 days, or 30 days validity.

Exciting prices with new package details have been posted. Hence, once again we are at the top to update the most accurate prices and package codes. Take a look at each 1-day bucket and activate the voice offer according to your need.

Jazz Daily Punjab Offer

Dial *6000# to avail of this offer. With this offer, subscribers will get unlimited jazz-to-jazz minutes, and 1000 SMS to all networks. In addition, the users will get 250 MBs to use on 3G and 4G SIM cards.

This offer from the latest Jazz Daily Call Packages is valid for 1 day. You have to pay Rs. 12 incl. Tax. For status, you have to dial *6000*2#. Hence, we can say this offer is perfect for 1 day.


Package Name:Daily Punjab
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:Rs 12
Sub Code:*6000#

Note: The user will also get 250MBs in the Punjab offer

Jazz Daily Apna Shehar

The subscription code of this package is *229#. All subscribers will get unlimited jazz-to-jazz minutes, 1500 SMS & 100 Mbps. The marvelous bundle is available for just a price of Rs.10. Don’t miss a golden opportunity to subscribe to this package. Stay connected with your family and friends.

Package Name:Apna Shehar Package
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 10
Sub Code:*229#

Jazz Daily F&F Package

Want to stay connected with family members? Now you can stay close to them with the Friends & Family package. Dial *141*F&F_Number# and get unlimited call minutes & SMS in just Rs. 10. This offer is valid for 1 day.

Package Name:Jazz Super
F&F Package
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 10
Sub Code:*141*F&F-Number#

Jazz Daily Sindh Offer

This marvelous offer is specially arranged for the area of Sindh. Jazz has introduced “Sindh Offer”. Dial *522# and enjoy Unlimited jazz 2 jazz calls, 1500 SMS & 250 Mbps of internet for just Rs. 12. This offer is valid for 1 day and all terms and conditions will apply.

Package Name:Jazz Sindh Offer
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 12
Sub Code:*522#

Jazz KPK Daily Offer

For the selected area of KPK, this new daily offer is arranged with 250 Mbps, 1500 SMS & unlimited calls. The price of the offer is Rs 17. This offer is valid in the selected areas of KPK only. Coverage is limited.

Package Name:Jazz KPK Offer
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 17
Sub Code:*522#

Jazz Karachi Daily Package

In this offer, only natives of Karachi city will enjoy unlimited calls, 1500 SMS & 250 Mbps in PKR 17 for 1 day.

Package Name:Karachi Daily
Hybrid Package
Jazz Minutes:Unlimited
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 17
Sub Code:*400#

Jazz Super Daily Call Offer

Now get exciting offers for just a few rupees. Dial *212*4# to avail of 1440 minutes, 200 Mbps & 50 SMS at a price of just Rs 20. Details are given below.

Package Name:Super Daily
Call Offer
Jazz Minutes:1440
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 20
Sub Code:*212#

Jazz Budget Package

Here we have a budget package with these users who can add a total of 20 family & friends numbers to a list. After subscribing to this bundle if you call any one of your favorite contacts it will charge low as compared to normal cells. Isn’t it a mind-blowing offer?

Package Name:Jazz Budget
Jazz Minutes:Call Rate
FnF Numbers:20
Price:PKR 17.93
Sub Code:*301#

Just dial *301# then add 20 contacts to the FnF list. After this, your new call charges will be 0.72/30sec just for those 20 specific contacts only. Package charges are Rs. 17.93.

See: Jazz TikTok Packages

Jazz Har Din Package

With this new package get 500 minutes, 50 Mbps 2G internet for 1 day in PKR 22. Dial *114*4*4# to subscribe to the offer.

Package Name:Jazz Har
Din Package:
Jazz Minutes:500
Mbps:50 (2G)
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 22
Sub Code:*114*4#
Un-Sub:                                                                                            *114*4*4#

Jazz Super Plus Offer

Super offer is now giving away 500 minutes, 500 SMS, 500 Mbps, and 5 other network minutes in 35 rupees. Dial *558# for an offer.

Package Name:Jazz Super
Plus Offer
Jazz Minutes:500
Validity:1 Day
Price:PKR 35
Sub Code:*558#

Jazz SIM Lagao Offer

Active your 30 days off Jazz SIM & get 3000 call minutes, 6000 Mbps (6GB) & 3000 SMS in PKR 0.01. This offer is valid for 60 days.

Package Name:Jazz SIM
Lagao Offer
Jazz Minutes:3000
Minutes Time:50 Each Day
Not Valid b\w
(6 PM-10 PM)
Mbps Time:Not Valid b\w
(9 PM-1 AM)
Validity:60 Days
Price:PKR 0.01
Sub Code:*551#

Final Words

All of the above bundles are launched by Mobilink Jazz or Jazz Warid with limited validity. Each bundle has a different validity and price. That’s why the incentives of each bundle vary from the other. Complete details are mentioned above. However, for complete details please click on FAQs.