Mobily Card Recharge Code | How To Recharge Mobily Card

Mobily Card Recharge Code – To load Balance via Scratch Card in Mobily please dial *1400* followed by the number on your scratch card then # and press SEND. That’s it, this is the method to get the balance from your network scratch card.

Every telecom network in Saudi Arabia has its own Load / Balance Card. You need to buy a card from Mobily and scratch it to get the unique card number.

Once you get the unique card number from the card after scratching, then you have to dial it from your Mobily SIM on which you want to get the balance.

Mobily Card Recharge Code

Mobily Card Recharge Code is *1400*recharge card number# to get balance from a Mobily Card you have bought. Card recharge is easy and everyone can recharge a card in 2025.

You can also recharge your Mobily SIM from the official Mobily App, Helpline Number, and Sadad online recharge system. However, here we have only describe the method to load the card via code.

How To Recharge Mobily Card (step by step) details:

  • Buy a new Mobily card
  • Now scratch this Mobily card
  • You will get a unique code from the card
  • Now dial *1400*recharge card number#
  • For example, your card code is 1212121212
  • You will dial *1400*1212121212# and press ok
  • That’s it, your Mobily card is successfully recharge/load on your SIM (number)

Get Balance While Staying At Home

The Mobile Card Recharge Method is the most used recharge trick in the world. This method makes you eligible to recharge your number (SIM) while staying at home. Hence, you don’t need to step out of your home when you need to balance/load/recharge in Mobily.

See: Check Mobily Balance

Mobily Card Different Prices

Officials of Mobily Network have launched new mobile recharge cards. Prices of these cards are different that increase from low to high range. Hence, buy a new card today from the nearest franchise (help center) and recharge your account on your own.