Snack Video Invitation Code – 5000 Coins Invitation Code

Apna4G has especially collected today’s up-to-date Snack Video Invitation Code List. These codes are valid and give a huge amount of Snack Video Coins & Diamonds when new or old users bind any code. Hence get a new chance to increase your daily coins.

On the first time installation, you have to bind with any invitation code of a friend or any other Snack Video user. This invitation code will prove to be very beneficial for both users. Hence we have collected 100+ Snack Video Invitation Codes (bind codes) to increase monthly fixed salary.

These codes can add up to 1K to 5K coins to your account. Hence get PKR 1000 to PKR 5000 by binding any code into your invitation code section. This is the latest trick to increase your coin collection, and diamond resources and to highlight your Snack Video Profile in public.

Snack Video Invitation Code

First of all, you must have some basic information before getting start on this section. Snack Video has started a new chain according to which when an old user invites a new user to (download & install) this video app and the other user accepts that request.

In that case, the app provides rewards for both (new & old) users. This reward is given when a new user provides the invitation code of the old user. This reward may be unlimited coins or 1k to 5k diamonds (that equals 5000 rupees) free.

A basic way to earn money online without any effort is the Snack Video App. You just have to download and install this app from the Play Store or from the official app website. Now provide your basic info with profile settings to get started.

Snack Video Invitation Code List

These are 100% valid Snack Video Invitation Code Lists according to today’s up-to-date list. Hence provide any code from this list on your 1st time app installation to collect a huge gift.

5K Coins Codes

Snack CodesSnack Codes
211 102 707728 310 989
538 932 211462 562 157
513 318 423368 240 153
762 738 618378 005 126
389 959 826507 212 705
950 930 632675 102 287
276 275 012802 684 729
557 236 436856 600 050

10K Coins Codes

Snack CodesSnack Codes
712 246 163642 914 774
945 565 332380 258 242
981 927 362480 793 834
791 623 601791 623 601 
774 441 275484 591 363
581 918 930426 191 066
221 908 495506 427 381
872 435 021634 247 007

How To Bind Code?

There are two methods to get a new invitation code for binding. You can get a binding code from a friend invitation & the second method is to get a code from this article. Get more information about the Snack Video Registration form by clicking here.

  • Friends Invitation Code
  • Apna4G (Web) Invitation Code

1st Step

Open your Snack Video App and click on the (Input the invitation code) button with the “Go” option present there.

Snack Video Invitation Code - step 1

2nd Step

Now insert the binding code that you can get from a friend’s invitation (WhatsApp Message) or this page. All these codes that are given above will be able to insert in the box that appears on this page.

Step second code

3rd Step

The last step is to “Copy & Paste” the 9-digit code in the right pattern and click on the “Bind Now” button. This will process in a few seconds and add many coins instantly to your account.

Bind Now 3 Step

Final Words

The author has made it easy to earn coins and diamonds in the first 7 days after installing this app. You just have to follow the steps that have been described above correctly and we assure you that you will get a monthly fixed salary with the Snack Video App.

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