How To Check CNIC in Ehsaas Program Online in Pakistan is an easy question that is answered below with 3 easy 8171 methods. Yes! With 3 easy and free methods, you can now inquire Ehsaas Program Status of your “cash” in seconds.
Getting money from the Ehsaas online program from the government of Pakistan is the basic right of all poor people of Pakistan. Hence this work has been made easy from the online portal and SMS method. That’s why we have described both methods here for you in complete detail.
You just need a mobile and a few MBs to check your Ehsaas Program Status. First, check your status, and in the 2nd step collect your money from the selected centers.
Check CNIC in Ehsaas Program
There are three methods that work in checking the current status of your money from the Ehsaas database. But before that, you must have the CNIC card that is registered in the database system of Ehsaas.
The number of your CNIC will work as the key point that will access your money details from the internet and SMS methods. We have given below all 3 methods with possible descriptions for you. Hence choose one method and get your Ehsaas Program Status in 2025 for free.
Check Ehsaas Program Status via the Internet
Use the internet and explore the official website of Ehsaas to inquire about the current details of a specific person’s monthly money. This is a free process and takes up to 2 minutes for the whole procedure:
- Visit the Ehsaas site
- Now click on “ehliyat k bary me jane”
- Type CNIC and click on “maloom kren”
- Ehsaas Program Status will come immediately
Hence it is the method to explore the status online. We gave other 2 methods including SMS & Visit trick below.
Check Ehsaas Program Status via SMS
It is the era of mobile phones. Now everyone has a phone and SMS service. You just have to use that service for the SMS inquiry method:
- Type your CNIC number
- Now send it to 8171
- This will take 2 minutes
- You will receive an official reply
- CNIC eligibility will be given in reply
- If you are eligible then visit the nearest Ehsaas center
Visit the Center to Check the Status
You can also visit the nearest so that officials can check your status and tell you whether you can get monthly money from this program or not. It is very easy and the working trick that gives good results. Click here for Ehsaas Hum Qadam Program Registration for free.
Apna4G Final Words
With the Ehsaas program, the government has helped the poor people of Pakistan. That’s why we appreciate this good step of the government and wish a bundle of thanks for such great steps by the government in the future.
Check balance
Assalam o alaikum sir!
I am a blind person. Many tries of my eyes treatment but not treatment proper al-shifa eye trust Rawalpindi has checked up but not good. i have a special disabled id card and recieve disabled certificate. But no money recevie and scheme please help me my parents very sad for me i am a very telented guy please help me sir.